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An alternative to the dearly departed Caffeine, this menu bar app overrides energy saver settings to keep your Mac awake. This one has a boat load of features and is being actively developed.


Put pretty much anything you want in your Mac’s menu bar, using extensible plug-ins — plenty of which have already been created.


Set up folders with related files as projects that can be opened in the app of your choice from the menu bar.


Keep track of time zones in the menu bar with custom labels — say, the names of family, colleagues or friends. Also features a time scroller and upcoming events.


Get your menu bar items under control by hiding the ones you don’t use often. Display them with a click of the Dozer icon.

Hidden Bar

Simple and effective way to hide the icons cluttering your menu bar. Decide which ones you want to hide, then use an arrow icon to reveal them when needed. They’ll hide themselves again after a time that you set.

Hocus Focus

Automatically hides application windows that have been inactive for a certain period of time (you decide how long), leaving only the apps you’re using visible. Keeps your screens clutter free and your mind focused.


Put times from various cities in your menu bar — 24-hour or AM/PM. Use a slider to show how the times compare through the day.

Keeping You Awake

A coffee cup icon that keeps your Mac awake when you click it. You can also set the duration. Great if you miss the now-defunct Caffeine, and don’t like Amphetamine’s pill icon.

One Thing

Put text of your choice in the menu bar as a constant reminder — an inspiration, a goal, or something that need to get done.


List all mounted volumes in your menubar, categorized by type. Clicking on a volume menu will unmount/eject that volume. Supports Growl unmount and mount notifications.


Use the normal Mac keyboard combinations for creating screenshots, and get the added option of sharing and markup in a little popup window.


Organize your menu bar items by spacing them into groups.


Get the day’s high and low in the menu bar along with a dropdown giving hourly forecasts for the day. Choose from eight different themes.


Blend the notch in your MacBook Pro with the menu bar. Can also added rounded corners to your wallpaper.


Hide menu bar icons on your Mac. Just click on the arrow.


Add one or more menus to the menu bar for accessing files and data. Pre-set menus include Applications, Developer, Home, Documents and Snippets. Or define your own. (Not a system hack.)